Sub Tiller III Sub-soiler/Ripper
High clearance, superior residue flow, compaction problem tool. Additional points and wear plates available with unit.

Asking $9,500
Call Ed at (506)473-0520
The Voice of New Brunswick Potato Farmers
Sub Tiller III Sub-soiler/Ripper
High clearance, superior residue flow, compaction problem tool. Additional points and wear plates available with unit.
Asking $9,500
Call Ed at (506)473-0520
P.O. Box 7878,
Grand-Falls, NB
Canada E3Z 3E8
P: (506) 473-3036
F: (506) 473-4647
1030 Lincoln Road
Fredericton, NB
Canada E3B 8B7
P: (506) 459-0293
F: (506) 457-0769
790 Kincardine Road
Kincardine, NB
Canada E7H 2K8