Potatoes start on the grading line by being fed onto a sizing belt where smalls will fall through and be separated out ( several different sizing belts/chains will come with the grader ).
The remaining potatoes will then continue onto the rolling table where individuals will hand pick out the culls and #2 potatoes.
After falling off the rollers the potatoes land on a set of rollers that can be set for separating large potatoes out and the remaining carry on to the end of the grader.
After the grader there is an escalator and storage buffer tank that the potatoes fall into which will be sold with the grading line!
This line was consistently used at 30,000 lbs./hr. flow capacity.
Rolling table is 8’x4’ Large sizer is 5’x4’ 5’6” end table 12’ tall escalator
Storage tank is 14’ long 7’6” wide and sits 5’ off the floor!
Call (or) message (Richard Strang) for more details! # 506-533-0780