The Bon Accord Elite Seed Potato Centre provides top quality, high class seed to the New Brunswick potato industry. Bon Accord receives disease-tested in vitro plantlets and microtubers from the Plant Propagation Centre, and multiplies these to produce Nuclear Stock, Pre-Elite and Elite 1 classes of seed. Bon Accord produces a complete range of varieties, enabling New Brunswick seed growers to rapidly respond to changing market demands. The Centre also develops and demonstrates advanced seed potato production technology
Production at Bon Accord starts when disease-tested in vitro plantlets and microtubers are received from the Plant Propagation Centre. These are typically transplanted into a soilless medium, and grown out in a protected greenhouse environment to produce Nuclear Stock tubers. These minitubers are stored over winter, and are field planted in early spring. This first field generation yields Pre-Elite class seed.
Alternately, Nuclear material received at Bon Accord may be transplanted directly to the field to produce Pre-Elite class seed. This direct field production allows Bon Accord to rapidly produce large seed volumes of new varieties.
Pre-Elite seed is field planted to produce Elite 1 class seed, Bon Accord’s primary seed of commerce.
Bon Accord’s advantages…
At the Bon Accord Elite Seed Potato Centre, natural advantages are combined with careful management to produce superior quality seed.
The Centre is well isolated from commercial production by an extensive forest buffer zone. Bon Accord’s elevation and harsh winters provide protection from pests and pathogens, and limit the survival of volunteer plants.
Bon Accord maintains a completely closed production system. Basic stocks are sourced exclusively from the Plant Propagation Centre. Seed removed from the premises is not eligible for re-entry to the Centre.
Bon Accord observes a stringent program of quality control. Long rotations and tuber unit planting are practiced as precautions against disease. All field production is monitored regularly for type, vigor and health. Topkilling takes place as early as possible. All greenhouse and field seedlots are leaf tested to monitor for virus infection, and tuber samples are collected at harvest for further testing. Access to the premises is restricted, and all vehicles entering must first be disinfected. All visitors are required to wear protective footwear covers.
A leadership role…
The Bon Accord Elite Seed Potato Centre plays an important role in New Brunswick’s commitment to potato expertise and leadership. New methods of Nuclear Stock and elite seed production are constantly being developed and implemented. The Centre conducts ongoing, practical research on seed potato physiology, management and storage. Visiting delegations are hosted regularly, and receive tours and presentations outlining the Centre’s activities. Bon Accord offers detailed on-site training in Nuclear Stock and elite seed production, and participates in international exchanges.
Our products and facilities…
The Bon Accord Elite Seed Potato Centre is located in Victoria County. The Centre offers Nuclear Stock, Pre-Elite and Elite 1 classes of seed to New Brunswick’s potato industry. A wide selection of varieties and seedlings are produced, including genetically modified material and varieties protected by Plant Breeders’ Rights.
Bon Accord is a completely self-contained seed production unit. The Centre’s resources include:
- over 1350 square meters of greenhouse space
- over 100 hectares of cleared land and 300 hectares of forested land
- a 5600 cubic meter climate controlled potato warehouse for individual, palletized storage of all seedlots
- grading and packing facilities
- an isolated loading bay
- laboratory facilities for potato disease testing
The annual production capacity of the Centre is
- 7500 kg Nuclear Stock minitubers
- 50 tonnes Pre-Elite seed
- 500 tonnes Elite 1 seed
The Bon Accord Elite Seed Potato Centre is dynamic and responsive to the seed and technology needs of the New Brunswick potato industry.
For more information, contact Manager, John McCarthy: 1 (506) 328-5879 or jmccarthy@potatoesnb.com